If applicable, identify the tissues with their associated locations, functions, and identifiable characteristics
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: bowman's capsule/glomerulus of the kidney
Main Function(s): diffusion; filtration and lubrication
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Squamous Cell
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: alveolar sacs of the lungs
Main Function(s): diffusion; filtration and lubrication
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Alveolar sac
B: Simple Squamous Cell
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: parathyroid gland
Main Function(s): absorption and secretion
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Cuboidal Cells
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: renal tubules
Main Function(s): absorption and secretion
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Cuboidal Cells
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: thyroid gland
Main Function(s): absorption and secretion
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Cuboidal Cells
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: small intestines
Main Function(s): absorption; secretion; ciliary action (only if tissue is ciliated)
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Columnar Cells
Ciliated Columnar Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: small bronchi
Main Function(s): absorption; secretion; ciliary action (only if tissue is ciliated)
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Columnar Cells
B: Cilia
Stratified Squamous Epithelium - Non-Keratinizing
Location of Specific Image: esophagus
Main Function(s): protection against abrasion, pathogens, and chemical attacks
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Stratified Squamous Epithelial Layer
Note: This is non-keratinizing because the typical layers of stratified squamous epithelium are indistinguishable. To elaborate, in this slide, the stratum granulosum is indistinguishable from the stratum spinosum or vice versa.
Stratified Squamous Epithelium - Keratinizing
Location of Specific Image: thick skin at the sole of the foot
Main Function(s): protection against abrasion, pathogens, and chemical attacks
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Stratum Basale
B: Stratum Spinosum
C: Stratum Granulosum
D: Stratum Lucidum (only found in thick skin such as the sole of the foot or the palm of the hands)
E: Stratum Corneum
F: Epidermis
G: Dermis
Note: This is keratinizing because the typical layers of stratified squamous epithelium are distinguishable. To elaborate, in this slide, the stratum granulosum is distinguishable from the stratum spinosum or vice versa.
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: large duct of sweat gland
Main Function(s): protection; secretion
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Stratified Cuboidal Cells (two layers are seen as two nuclei on top of each other)
Pseudo-stratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium
Location of Specific Image: trachea
Main Function(s): protection; secretion; ciliary action
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Simple Columnar Cells
B: Cilia
Transitional Epithelium - Relaxed
Location of Specific Image: urinary bladder
Main Function(s): stretching/distension; expansion and recoil after stretching
Note: The cells on the top layer of this epithelium are very "fluffy" and round; sometimes described as umbrella cells. The round-shaped cells indicate that the epithelium is not distended and is "relaxed" because the urinary bladder is empty, or not as full.
Transitional Epithelium - Distended
Location of Specific Image: urinary bladder
Main Function(s): stretching/distension; expansion and recoil after stretching
Note: The cells on the top layer of this epithelium are not as "fluffy" and rounded. This indicates that the urinary bladder is full causing the epithelium to become distended.
Mixed Gland
Location of specific image: lingual gland
Main function(s): secretion
Developing Nail
Identifiable Characteristics:
A: Nail Matrix
B: Proximal Nail Fold
C: Nail Plate (seen in the picture as pale pink)
D: Nail Bed
E: Eponychium (a.k.a. the cuticle)
F: Hyponychium (when you cut your nail too short this part of the fingertip is exposed and hurts)
G: Hyaline Cartilage
Scalp #1
Identifiable Characteristics:
A: Sebaceous Gland
B: Hair Follicle
C: Another Sebaceous Gland
D: Arrector Pili Muscle (note that it is smooth muscle and responsible for "goose bumps")