If applicable, identify the tissues with their associated locations, functions, and identifiable characteristics
Areolar Tissue
Location(s): papillary layer of the dermis of the skin
Main function(s): wraps and cushions organs
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Nuclei of one of the five supporting cells within areolar tissue; this can be either fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells, or adipocytes.
Adipose Tissue
Location(s): hypodermis (a.k.a. subcutaneous layer or superficial fascia); padding around eyes and kidneys; breasts
Main Function(s): stores energy; insulates against head loss; provides padding and cushions shock
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Vacuole of Adipocyte (contains fat)
B: Nucleus of Adipocyte
Reticular Tissue
Location(s): lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen; liver; kidneys
Main function(s): provides supporting framework
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Location(s): tendons; aponeuroses; ligaments
Main function(s): resists tensile stress (tension) when pulling forces are applied in one direction; provides firm attachment of muscles to bones, or muscles to muscles
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Collagen Fibers
Note: The collagen fibers in dense regular tissue run parallel with each other.
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Location(s): reticular layer of the dermis of the skin
Main function(s): provides strength to resist forces from multiple directions; provides structural strength
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Collagen Fibers
B: Nuclei of Fibroblasts
Note: The collagen fibers in dense irregular tissue do not run parallel with each other.
Elastic Tissue
Location(s): walls of aorta
Main function(s): allows recoil of tissue following stretching
Identifiable Characteristic(s):
A: Elastic Fibers
Main function(s): transport of respiratory gases, nutrients, wastes, and defenses such as anti-bodies; fight microbes; blood clotting
Identifiable characteristics:
A: Platelets
B: Red Blood Cells
C: White Blood Cells
Note: See Cardiovascular tab for specifics
Hyaline Cartilage
Location(s): nasal septum; larynx (voice box); trachea; bronchi; in costal cartilages of the ribs
Main function(s): support and reinforces; serves as resilient cushion; resists compressive forces; reduces friction between bony surfaces
Identifiable characteristics:
A: Chondrocyte - cartilage cell
B: Lacuna(e) - space in which chondrocytes reside
C: Hyaline Cartilage Matrix
Elastic Cartilage
Location(s): auricle of the external ear; auditory canal; epiglottis; cuneiform cartilage of the larynx
Main function(s): maintains the shape of a structure while allowing great flexibility
Identifiable characteristics:
A: Chondrocyte - cartilage cell
B: Lacuna(e) - space in which chondrocytes reside
C: Elastic Fibers
Location(s): intervertebral discs; pubic symphysis; menisci in knee joints
Main function(s): tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock
Identifiable characteristics:
A: Chondrocyte - cartilage cell
B: Lacuna(e) - space in which chondrocytes reside
Osseous Tissue
Location(s): bones of the skeleton
Main function(s): supports and protects by enclosing; provides levers for muscle action; stores calcium site for hematopoiesis (blood production)
Identifiable characteristics:
A: Interstitial lamellae
B: Canaliculi
C: Osteocyte - bone cell (resides in a space called lacuna which is not depictable on the image; refer to any cartilage slides to see lacunae)
D: Osteon: functional unit of bone
E: Central canal
F: Concentric lamellae oriented in rings (like a tree trunk) around a central canal